Canadian Hells Angels arrested for vicious assault in Greece

From one extreme to the other. From an inspiring heart wrenching image of a place where blind men see to a dark place no one wants to see - Finian's Inferno so to speak. The Huffingting Post is reporting that Police have arrested three Hells Angels members from Alberta following a vicious assault on the Greek island of Corfu. Global is reporting all three are from Alberta. It was a near fatal attack on a 41 year old male who is currently on life support. There isn't really anything proud or noble about a brutal three on one attack. Nobody likes bullies.

Kim Bolan implied that Greece hasn't released the names of the members charged due to privacy laws. That is somewhat absurd. We don't have those kind of laws in Canada. If someone is charged with a brutal assault like this, the public has a right to know who has been charged knowing that people are innocent until proven guilty by law. In Canada privacy laws mean the government can't spy on you without a warrant. Those laws are being trampled as we speak.

I have the names of two of the three Canadians from both Edmonton chapters charged and I have quite a few pictures of one proudly posing with members of the Whiteboy posse who are drug dealers that sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels and decapitated Bob Roth for a drug debt. It is a dark inferno of greed and extortion. There are two reasons I'm not going to post them.

First it's because Gangsters out is going through a metamorphosis. Gangsters out is no longer for outting gangsters. It is for helping gang members get out of the life by supporting TBM Fresh Start. It is also to continue to raise public awareness about drug related violence to help us develop the political will to one day embrace the New York Model.

The other reason is because it really doesn't matter which members it was because it clearly reflects on all of them since it was at an international convention. The plausible deniability argument fails here. The Hells Angels are pretty passionate about banning people from misusing their trademark. They are more than capable of discouraging this kind of behavior at public events. What do you think is going to happen the next time they want to host a convention in a City? The residents will oppose it just like they did the Devil's Rejects clubhouse in Langford.

Update: OK my sources claim it was Nick Dragich and Dusty Swanson (on the right) a prospect for Westridge, formally from the Dirty flu. Nick has confirmed he was in Greece at the time:

Weren't the German "brothers" the ones who were charged with human trafficking in Spain
