Henk Kuipers stopt bij No Surrender


Advocaat Roy van der Wal, die Kuipers bij staat in zijn strafzaak, liet vrijdagavond telefonisch weten dat zijn cliënt inderdaad uit de club stapt. Er zijn weken van wikken en wegen aan vooraf gegaan, de definitieve beslissing kwam afgelopen week toen vast kwam te staan dat Kuipers voorlopig niet vrij komt.

Van der Wal: "In 2014 heeft mijn cliënt Henk Kuipers zich aangesloten bij No Surrender MC. Nadat één van de oprichters de club heeft verlaten, is hij meer op de voorgrond getreden en was het één van zijn taken als World Captain om de pers te woord te staan. 

Inmiddels zijn er bijna 7 maanden verstreken sinds zijn aanhouding op 12 december 2017. Het is een illusie is om te veronderstellen dat een inhoudelijke behandeling van zijn strafzaak binnen afzienbare tijd plaats zal vinden. Mijn cliënt ziet in dat het vanuit deze positie haast onmogelijk is om zijn functie van World Captain uit te kunnen oefenen. Daarom heeft hij besloten het clubbelang te laten prevaleren boven zijn eigen belang en de club per vandaag te verlaten. Dit is zeker geen eenvoudige keuze geweest en druist ook in tegen zijn rechtvaardigheidsgevoel."
"Mijn cliënt ziet in dat het vanuit deze positie haast onmogelijk is om zijn functie van World Captain uit te kunnen oefenen." 

Holland - Pano.


  1. The rumor was a while in the air. After a day in which members of No Surrender still feverishly been in consultation with each other, lawyer Roy van der Wal confirmed this evening that 'World Captain Henk Kuipers (54) are taken dough at No Surrender MC. The criminal case in which he is engaged to make life as club captain impossible. With him also get a large group of people - a man of forty - the organization who feel linked to Henk. It is, inter alia, to the chapters of No Surrender from Emmen, Assen and Zwolle. That's No Surrender hardly exist in northern Netherlands.

    Kuipers is since last December stuck in a criminal case in which he is charged with Article 140, membership of a criminal organization. Additionally continues justice him for extortion, assault and threats. Recently, he learned that his detention will be extended. Together indicted three other leaders of the club with him. His club. No Surrender, is one of the "Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs" that justice in the grain.

    Lawyer Roy van der Wal, in which Kuipers is in his criminal case, let the phone Friday that his client actually leaving the club. There are weeks of deliberation preceded the final decision came last week when it was established it Kuipers time being does not come free.

    Van der Wal: "In 2014, my client Henk Kuipers joined No Surrender MC After one of the founders left the club, he is more come to the fore and it was one of his duties as World Captain to the press. allowing word.

    Meanwhile, there passed almost seven months since his arrest on 12 December 2017. It is an illusion to assume that will take place a substantive examination of his criminal case in the foreseeable future. My client recognizes that it is almost impossible in this position to exercise its function of World Captain. Therefore, he has decided to give priority to the club interests above his own interests and leave the club by today. This was certainly not an easy choice and also contrary to his sense of justice. "

    "My client recognizes that it is almost impossible in this position to exercise its function of World Captain."

    Van der Wal emphasizes that attempts to prejudices about No Surrender dispel yet will not be stopped: "The negative picture painted of No Surrender MC remains client an eyesore According to the prosecution, the motorcycle needs. be seen as a criminal organization and client here overseen. the series ' Captain Henk ' established client like World Captain on removing prejudices about the club. This will continue client, not like World captain or a member of the motorcycle club, but as a suspect in his criminal case. "


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