Kelowna Hells Angels president

I wonder if anyone can help me out with this. Who is the Kelowna president? We know David Giles also known as Skelator was the vice president of the Kelowna chapter when they were busted for drugs and stolen cars two summers ago but who was the president? Was it Damiano Dipopolo? Where’s he hiding out now that he’s on bail?

A blog reader sent in this news clipping from the Vancouver Sun posted on Kim Bolan’s web site Inside the Angels. It lists most of the BC members several years ago. Someone claims that Damiano was Kelowna president and his brother Nico is a Nomad. In this older article Kim wrote about Michael Plante when Bryce Jr and Norm Cocks were prospects. Bryce Jr. was convicted of drug trafficking and Norm Cocks is on trial for the Daine Phillips murder.

There’s a lot I’d like to say about Norm's confession video but can’t because it’s under publication ban. For now. The article talks about how Damiano put on a New Years party at the Drake. Which the Hells Angels owned and the city bought from them. The city gave them $2 million more than it was worth. That was a crime all in itself.
