I’ve talked about this group in Denmark for former gang members called TBM Fresh Start. They’re former Hells Angels, Bandidos and now even former Rock Machine members. They’re also big in Norway and Sweden and now have Canadian members. So if you’d like to join there’s no fee, just e-mail the head office: foreningen@tbm-tbm.dk They have guys that can speak English.
There’s also a facebook group set up for the Canadian chapter now. It would probably be wise to make a fake facebook account if you want to join that group. Yes I have joined them but I’m not the only one in Canada who has. If you join you don’t get a membership list so trolls can’t find the location or identity of former gang members who have joined them. So if you join I don’t hear about it unless you’re on the facebook group. They’ve made me an administrator for the group but the whole thing is run out of Denmark. I think it’s better that way. People here trust former gang members from there more than they trust former gang members from here. We know the spokesperson for Denmark, Norway and Sweden and all legit.
I know I’ve made a lot of enemies in the Canadian OMG world but I have also made peace with a lot of guys who have left the life. I do believe everyone deserves a chance to leave the life and have a fresh start on life. If people leave the life I have no hard feelings. I’m not sure it goes both ways since I’ve pissed off so many people but it is what it is. My position is clear. I have beef with crack dealers that give crack to the homeless for free then beat the life out of them for payment and all the yuppie losers driving around in SUV’s profiting from that kind of exploitation.
I do think there are a lot of people here who have left the life because they have seen the L&R is a lie. These TBM guys still use that term only they mean it. There is a real brotherhood among these guys that the others claim they have but don’t.
After this last ridiculous election I’m thinking this whole blog is a complete waste of time. Part of me just wants to say f*ck it, head up to the mountains and watch abomination desolation sweep the face of the earth. Then I keep seeing Janice Shore’s faced and think about all the innocent people getting exploited by these bullies and I say one more round.
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