Hells Angel Walter Stadnick of Hamilton was released from jail last year after serving a sentence for a variety of convictions including conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to traffic drugs and involvement in gang activities.
Leading Hells Angel Walter Stadnick of Hamilton is back on the streets after briefly having his parole yanked. Stadnick’s parole records show he was released a week before Christmas, after having his parole revoked midway through 2014.
In September 2004, Stadnick was sentenced to 14 years, seven months for a variety of convictions including conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to traffic drugs and involvement in gang activities.
He was paroled in June 2014, but that lasted less than a month before concerns were raised he was associating again with people with a criminal record.
He was able to convince the board to reinstate his freedom in December. He will have unrestricted freedom beginning April 12, 2019. Stadnick’s parole file shows he was polite and respectful to guards, but that he also continued to break the law.
While in custody in the Kingston area, he was transferred from medium to maximum security prisons in 2006 and 2009 “for illegal trafficking activities and large-scale loansharking within the institution.”
He also showed no inclination to change his ways, his parole file states.
“You are resistant to opening up to your case management team (CMT) and are noted as not willing to discuss your crimes or your association,” his file states.
“You have never expressed any remorse for your actions,” it continues, adding he has been a member of the Hells Angels since 1982 and helped found the elite Nomads chapter in Montreal in 1995.
“As a founding member of the Nomads, you are among the leaders of the Hells Angels organization,” his file states.
His parole conditions included orders to avoid people in motorcycle and street gangs, including “any person known to be a hang around or wannabe of any outlaw motorcycle gang.”
He is also barred from owning more than one cellphone and must show his parole officers detailed billing statements for it, including documentation of who he texts and emails and what social media sites he visits.
He also can’t consume alcohol or go to bars or own or operate a motorcycle or work in motorcycle repair. His parole file shows he only lasted a few weeks in a halfway house after being paroled last June before he was taken back into custody.
Corrections officials balked at how he continued to associate with someone in a biker gang with a criminal record. He also objected to a curfew that runs between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
“You are arguing that you have less freedom with the imposition of a curfew at 9:00 than when incarcerated,” his file states.
Stadnick was arrested in the massive 2001 Sûreté du Québec Printemps police operation, aimed at ending gang war between the Hells Angels Montreal Nomads chapter and the Rock Machine and at stopping the Nomads’ expansion.
The war between the Hells Angels and Rock Machine cost at least 150 lives, including innocent victims. The parole decision does not say where he now lives, although it states that his community supports are his common-law wife, mother-in-law and mother.
“Given the nature of your criminality, the amounts of money involved in drug trafficking and your lure for easy and fast money, the Board considers that it is essential to monitor your revenues and expenses,” the parole board states.
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