The Kelowna Hells Angels and the Vancouver Longshoreman's Union

I hear Damiano Dipopolo is in a complete panic over Kim Bolan's article on the docks going viral. Dip has good reason to be scared. He might not only lose his preferred assignment, he might also screw it up for everyone else. They've killed people for less then that.

Let's face it. Everyone knew the Hells Angels controlled the docks. That was well documented in the book The Road to Hell: How the Biker Gangs Are Conquering Canada which came out in 2003. Those statements have withstood all legal challenges for the past 12 years. What's new is the claim that Damiano Dipopolo and Little Ryan work at the docks. The thing is nobody cares if Little Ryan works at the docks. Everyone is freaking out about Damiano Dipopolo working at the docks. The Kelowna Hells Angels were up to their eyeballs in criminal activity and Damiano was president of the chapter at the time. No doubt the boys are going to be pissed at Damiano for screwing it up for all of them at the docks. He has good reason to be scared.

Dip Sh*t has sure burned a lot of bridges in Kelowna. Did you see him trashing Shane Bunting on Instagram calling him a b*itch? Madchild made that guy rich. He sure is ungrateful. Looks like Damiano treats his friends the same way his partner David Giles does. Birds of a feather.

The public outcry about Damiano working at the docks as opposed to Little Ryan and everyone else is the fact that the Kelowna Hells Angels were involved in so much criminal activity it has really built the crown's case for criminal organization status in BC finally. The Hells Angels have already been deemed a criminal organization in Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Manitoba. Now that all the Kelowna Hells Angels trash is going through the courts it's only a matter of time before the BC courts wake up to the same realization the rest of the country has. No lie can live forever.

Let's start with Robert Thomas and Norman Cocks's brutal and senseless murder of Daine Philips. They and several associates beat him to death with baseball bats and hammers. They were convicted. Two full patch members of the Kelowna Hells Angels. Damiano was president.

Then there's the massive stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring the Kelowna Hells Angels were involved with. Johnny Newcome copped a plea and was convicted of revinning the stolen vehicles for the Kelowna Hells Angels through his chop shop. The judge said the volume of stolen cars that were involved was staggering. Damiano was president.

Then there's the drug charges pending. David Giles still hasn't made bail. Giles was the Vice President of the Kelowna Hells Angels, Damiano was president. David Giles took over for Lester Jones who was the previous Vice President of the chapter after Lester was sent to jail for cocaine trafficking. That's a pattern.

The first BC Criminal Organization Conviction was in Kelowna. Thomas Donald Fraser and Jason Jonathon Herrick were convicted of trafficking cocaine on behalf of a criminal organization. 6 kilos of cocaine and 400 ecstasy tablets were seized. Only the criminal organization wasn't named. Yet in one of the intercepted phone calls between the two men, Fraser phones Herrick and orders him to “bring some s**t” to “the clubhouse.” With loud music in the background, Fraser tells him the address is 837 Ellis Street, the property known locally as the Hells Angels clubhouse. “Bring lots,” Fraser said. “A quarter.”

Darryl Wilcox was charged with selling 18 kilos of cocaine. He was a Hells Angels associate. We didn't even mention uncle Joe racing through Salmon arm with a car load of guns and a cell phone jammer right before that local grow was abandoned. That's more criminal activity for ya out of the Kelowna clubhouse. Ryan Ennis, one of the guys with uncle Joe moved into Darryl Wilcox's house while he was in jail. I'd say that's a confirmed association.

Joey Verma was a Hells Angels associate who continued selling large quantities of drugs while he was in prison waiting trial for the murder of Britney Irving. Someone from the Red and White promised him a position in the Kingpin Crew because he got a VP tattoo and was recruiting for the KPC while in prison. The KPC was disbanded shortly after that.

So here's the deal. If the Liquid Zoo lost it's liquor license because it was affiliated with Damiano Dipopolo just because he was a member of the Kelowna Hells Angels, how on earth did Port security give him a port pass? That is the key question right there. There is a line up of people wanting to be Longshoremen. I'd love to have that job but can't. It is a preferred assignment and he should not be getting preferential treatment because of his membership in a criminal organization.

Damiano Dipopolo the the bell tolls for thee.
