Bikie gangs outlawed in South Australia

Bikie gangs are shutting up shop in South Australia as new laws declaring them criminal organisations come into force. Ten gangs have been outlawed - the Bandidos, Comancheros, Descendants, Finks, Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Mongols, Nomads, Rebels and Red Devils - and Attorney-General John Rau says the public should see an immediate reduction in their activities.

They will be prevented from engaging in organised rides, displaying gang colours or gathering in groups of more than two.

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens says two bikie clubrooms in Adelaide operated by the Comancheros and the Rebels have already been vacated in response to the new laws and others are in the process of shutting down.
"This is a significant step forward in our ability to dismantle and disrupt organised crime groups, the public face of that organised crime cohort being outlaw motorcycle gangs," Mr Stevens said on Thursday.

