The Maple Ridge News is reporting that "Word that the shadowy group Soldiers of Odin have been on two walks on Maple Ridge streets twice now is disturbing and disconcerting." No kidding. They are a Front for racists like the Heritage Front. Nothing more nothing less.
They run a bullsh*t propaganda campaign saying we are really just here to help people out at Christmas but that is not why they are here. You don't have to join the clan and wear a white hood to do that. Anybody can do so if that was their real intent.
They hold political demonstrations denouncing immigration. Well guess what, here you are immigrants dumbass. Oh you mean immigrants are OK just as long as they are white? Tell that to the Natives who were here first. We're all immigrants in Canada. We all came here from somewhere else.
Maple Ridge is the most predominately white area in Metro Vancouver. Yet it is full of drug related exploitation and violence. That exploitation isn't the result of immigrants, it's the result of you know who. The same Big Red Machine they want to kiss ass and be affiliated with. Shame on you. The article in the Maple Ridge News points out they denounce Islam on their facebook page. You might as well denounce Jews just like Hitler did because that is the exact same thing he did. These clowns are enemies of the Canadian Charter of Rights not supporters of it.
My next door neighbours are Muslims from Syria. They have four wonderful children and a brand new baby who is Canadian born. That makes her a Canadian citizen. They are under my protection. We are multicultural here. We have Polich families, Asian, Indo Canadian, African - everyone is welcome. If a Jewish family moved in they would be equally welcome. Racists sowing seeds of discord are not welcome so Get off of my lawn.
I do not support the Racists of Odin. I will not march with or be affiliated with them. End of story.
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