Interesting to see a Tribal MC member wearing a Fort Mac bottom rocker. They are a support club for the original Edmonton Hells Angels chapter. Interesting to see because the Nomads put the Syndicate in Fort McMurray. These aren't rivals they're just more smoke and mirrors in the shell game tied to the Edmonton Hells Angels drug trafficking network. Same puppet diferent string
On that note, back in July of last year one person commented on an old blog post and claimed that there was a Ontario Nomad in Fort Mac named Rick Levesque. Only he kept his Ontario rocker because he didn't get along with the Alberta Nomads out of Red Deer that run the Syndicate in Fort Mac. Well now that the Ontario Nomads have been disbanded, he is wearing an Edmonton rocker. E Ville is referring to Edmonton. Rick certinaly doesn't look very bright. HAs in BC aren't so loud and proud. They are somewhat more discreet.
He's got the tat on the back of his hand but he still has a baby face. Maybe that's why Leo Gallant told him to f off when he to tried to boss Leo around back in New Brunswick. Poor guy is getting chased all over the country looking for someone to bully. That's Ontario for ya. They never did grasp the MC concept much. That's what happens when you support evil. Je me souviens.
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