Hundreds of bikers come to Godstone to pay tribute to Hell's Angel Delton

The A22 and the A25 were shaking to their foundations when hundreds of bikers- many of them Hells Angels chapters - descended on St Nicholas Church in Godstone to mark the fifth anniversary of the death of one of their friends, Delton Anderson.

He died from cancer in 2012 and after a funeral service in St Johns Church, Caterham, he was buried in the Godstone churchyard. Delton Anderson, was known as “Fritz” to the Hells’s Angels, and he was a former Para, a black cab driver, an American Football player (for a London team in the 1980s) and as an actor had a non-speaking part in Full Metal Jacket.

Photos by kevin black/supplied show some of the hundreds of bikers who came to Godstone and Delton’s motorbike parked by his grave.

United Kingdom - BN.
