Former Manitoba Hells Angels president denied parole

A former president of the Hells Angels in Manitoba has been denied both day and full parole. The decision came down on Wednesday.
Dale Sweeney, 47, was deemed to be a “risk to society” by the Parole Board of Canada.

According to parole board documents, Sweeney is serving a second federal sentence of 10 years for “Instruct Commission of Offence for a Criminal Organization and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime.”

The documents state Sweeney had a previous criminal record of “crimes of violence, theft, fraud, attempting to obstruct justice and most recently in 2002 discharge firearm with intent.” (Source: flickr).
Sweeney was first arrested in January 2012 in possession of $20,000 in cash, four phones, a journal, and score sheets related to a drug trafficking operation, the documents said. He was released without any charges, but was arrested again in March 2016.

The documents state Sweeney had a previous criminal record of “crimes of violence, theft, fraud, attempting to obstruct justice and most recently in 2002 discharge firearm with intent.”

Canada - BN.
