Odis Buck Garrett died in prison

The Federal inmate registry has confirmed that Odis Buck Garrett died in prison on February 12 2017 at the age of 74. Odis was in prison for ordering the murder of Margo Compton and her twin seven year old daughters for testifying against him in the prostitution case. Odis ran a brothel called the Love Nest in San Francisco for the Hells Angels. His pal Sonny Barger attended the trial and later recognized him as a member of the Filthy Few Fellowship in the Big House Crew.

Canada - GO/DW.


  1. Garret was a full patched HA member. At that time a Nomad, earlier a chapter president. They killed the 6 yo twins first as their mother watched. Then their mother and her boyfriend.

    1. Don't talk about shit you don't know!! I personally know this man and no way would he do this and since when is a word of a prison snitch mean anything?? Straight bullshit and also unless you was there to witness what actually happened SHUT UP

    2. Anonymous4/11/2022

      Knowing him does not refute what "may" be facts. I do sympathize accepting the word of a rat, but there appears to be substantive claims. Many that befriend outlaws become enamored with their living on the edge and are blinded to certain acts they carry out. I have to monitor myself when hearing AB stories: don't forget who they are and what they are actually doing.

    3. Anonymous8/23/2022

      I'd like to say something about Buck, I did time with him

  2. Just say it all. Indeed a scumbag.

    1. Anonymous8/23/2022

      bro I don't know who you are but your full of shit about Buck being in pc . I did five years with him in Pollock and the at terre haute and I he always walked the yard.

  3. Was buck garrett married when he died

    1. He was a piece of shit he was p.c.ed up some folks wanted him

  4. Buck rip my friend... And yes I say friend because this man had morals and dignity and respect out of this world and left to anyone in the situation he was, well none of us is lower or greater then the next because we are all capable of the same gruesome shut. So yes Odis Buck Garrett rest easy buddy and fly high... I'll always remember the things you taught me. .

  5. Anonymous5/04/2019

    Dont talk about what u dont know. Were any of you there did any of u see what really happen NO. So dont speak about what u dont know. That man was like a father to me and taught get things and things that have gotten me through life and made me a good man.If he was standing in front of u or any of his brother the words u spoke here would not have came out of your mouth that u promise u . He was a unforgettable man and one that would guide those around him into making good choices and moving toward a better path. I miss my brother/God father each and every day .Rest easy and ride hard and fast up there brother.

    1. Anonymous5/04/2024

      First of all, anything I say here, I would say to any "poor excuse for a man's" face. If he is anyway responsible for the deaths of that beautiful woman and her little girls, that's what he is. Now if he truly was not, then I take it all back. But evidence I'd pointing that he did. While you may miss him, two little girls never got to live their lives because men had to be p-ssies.

  6. I was the case agent from DEA that investigated him and arrested him in 1989 on federal charges for manufacturing methamphetamine in super labs on his ranches near Alturas, Modoc County and Mojave Desert . He was sentenced to life in federal prison. Later he was arrested and tried by local authorities in Ore and Ca for murder of two families and received two more life sentences. The Federal Judge in Sacramento at his sentencing told Garrett that he was the most evil person to have ever been in his courtroom.

  7. Anonymous1/09/2020

    That's interesting, I was the CHP officer who stopped and arrested two of his colleagues the night before the search warrant was authored and served at the Yankee Jim Ranch , east of Likely, CA. The motel receipt for the Dunes motel where he was staying was in the truck that was stopped about four miles west of Alturas on SR-299. Wonder if Fremont PD was ever able to explain why one of their shotguns was in the possession of the guy who was left to guard the lab at Yankee Jim. Small world, also arrested Billy Grondalski in 1986, a few months before he , his wife, and their children were murdered in Mendocino County, CA.

  8. Fuck buck garrett. Bragged to me in the joint about that case. Plus he was a nut swinger with the c/o's in the joint. #1 rule is we dont talk to the gaurds or higher ups without another con with us and he spent hours inside the cop office bs'ing with them. H . A.'s day they are about women and kids but when they were founded was kidnapping and raping young girls and women . Hollier then thou hypocrites

    1. Anonymous8/30/2023

      Your absolutely right brother. My step father was a punk ass child killer for having them kids killed and he did end up in pc. A bunch of them had to lock it up.

    2. Anonymous5/29/2024

      When I met him at Victorville u.s.p in 2010 , he wasn't in p.c. not sure about before or after tho, j.s.

  9. Buck is with his Maker right now and every human will one day have the chance to hear Good ole Buck forced to say every crime he had ever committed or as Pres. authorized. No way out.

  10. Anonymous6/14/2020

    Dated his ex..
    She collaborates everything negative..
    Was scared to death of him even while he was in Lompoc..
    She feared that he might think she talked to the police also but she swears she didn't..
    Lord knows I am not one to pass judgment and also there's always two sides..
    But I know this for a fact don't want our mortal life is done here on this planet everything that happened on this planet is going to be rather trivial

  11. I believe the HA tried to outsource this to the AB: they were rejected.

  12. Anonymous8/29/2022

    My Best friends older brother Richard (killer)Andes was killed by another HA over a woman's blows.
    There us no brotherhood in California %. I'll never ride a Harley, I'll never have respect or fear.
    They don't have honor, they have no loyality

  13. Anonymous9/23/2022

    Was he from Texas

  14. Anonymous3/08/2023

    I know this all happened awhile ago and I'm just now reading up on it out of curiosity. I just finished a 11 year sentence, at the OSP. I seen Bugeye Bob almost every day working the same industry job but only knew part of his story. That's what you get for letting others vouch for MF'ers. Gotta check the paper work.

  15. Anonymous6/03/2023

    I knew him before HA I hope he find peace He was so tender to me He call me his Tahoe girl had fun and never forgot him

    1. Anonymous5/04/2024

      I hope those he killed or had killed found their peace. Too bad he couldn't show them tenderness.

  16. Anonymous8/30/2023

    Bucky was my step father my mom was engaged to him for 5 years even though he already had a woman my mom started out as one of his girls at his brothel in San Francisco he was always good to me and my siblings but he did have that family killed my name is Troy kinslow I ain't gonna sugar coat nothing on here. We lived next door to the old clubhouse in vallejo on Thomas Street where wheel chair Paul stayed. Back then the club house was actually a house. Bucky was my step father for first 8 years of my life. I ended up doing 20 years in Corcoran and pelican bay shu and I can tell you anyone who has kids murdered is a punk ass peice of crap. So some of you that want to back that type of monster because of the club he was in well that shows what your made of. Seeing all these post of who walked what line well I can tell you when I hit the pen in 1986 the brand ran all them dudes off the yard because they wouldn't back the whites. There's been a truce made betwthem many years later but most of you don't know any of the facts. I sat in the trial with my mom as a kid with my brother and sister and my ain't claudette. I have all the transcripts. So I don't care if you did time with him or knew him none of that matters but he was a child murder even though he didn't do it himself he had it done. The snotch that told on him is more dangerous that anyone you will ever meet. Still a snitch but dangerous. I did all my time next to my brother in arms Ronnie yandell the renegade so check your facts. Fuck all child molestation and child killers. Bucky is in hell right where he belongs.

    1. Anonymous4/29/2024

      I never did time in the west brother, but if he did what he was sentenced for, and I have no reason to doubt your word, and u sound solid. I agree with you a hundred percent, that is not a man who kills children, but a lowlife trash sob and pos.

  17. Anonymous10/14/2023

    All Hells Angels are Sissy Punks

  18. Anonymous11/22/2023

    Who cares about a dead prostitute or her future-welfare-recipient-children?

    1. Anonymous5/04/2024

      You're a cold loser for saying that and uneducated. Women go into prostitution as a result of many reasons, being forced, addictions, molestation victims, etc. Change your narrative to who cares about the scum men who buy and sell them or don't respect them. Those children were babies. The world would be better with them than hateful people who have no respect.

  19. Anonymous12/04/2023

    I knew Margo. You know nothing about her. She made poor choices in her life but she didn’t deserve to be murdered. Her girls, so young, with life stretching out in front of them did not deserve to be shot in the head while holding their teddy bears. A young man who was on leave from the military because he was recovering from breaking his leg was staying with Margo. When Bugeye walked through the door to the house with psycho Silva they shot him. He bled to death. Then they put the girls in bed with there teddy bears and shot them the head. They made Margo watch. Then they shot her in the head. All because Margo testified against Buck.
    When she wanted the quit working for Buck she went to the police only because Buck had the girls and wouldn’t give the girls to her unless she paid him $5000. She didn’t have that kind of $$ so to get her girls back she had to go to the police.


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