Biker´s Better School Speaking OUT - The Life and Times of “The Social Media Biker”

As we delve into the subject of social media and the detriment it has become within the Biker Lifestyle; We began by researching those that call themselves a Biker. The new normal on social media seems to be of disrespect, slander, and intolerance of those that are real. With social media has come a new breed of biker. These so called bikers live and die for the follows, the likes, the numbers of viewers, etc. They care nothing about the lifestyle that Us Real Bikers hold so dear to us! Through this research available readily to anybody online, you will find a group called Insane Throttle.
This Facebook group, & You Tube channel, or should I call it “FAKEbook group is run by a man named Jimmy, aka James, aka ”Hollywood”, aka Redden, aka,Top Fuel, aka Top Fool, aka Macecari. This so called biker deems himself fit to throw people’s names out for thousands of people to hear daily. This goes against EVERYTHING REAL BIKERS STAND FOR! He claims to have deep connections with several 1%er MC’s and appears to be their personally appointed spokesperson. All the 1%er Clubs I have ever known, have always done the talking for themselves.

This can be the only logical explanation for Jimmy’s use of the Club names he continues to speak of, as well as represent. Although he holds no patch, of any kind, in any Clubs, he seems to feel it is his duty to put his nose where it doesn’t belong and cause drama! Which clearly is NONE OF HIS OR ANYBODY’s business but the Clubs PERIOD! Let’s dig a tad deeper into this self proclaimed “journalist” and “expert” in Motorcycle/Biker experiences. So Jimmy started out his Biker life as what he claimed was an MC called the Predadores MC. Hahahaha!!!!

That Club was in no way affiliated with any MC’s or Sanctioned by any Clubs either. His supposed MC at that time was actually a SOCIAL CLUB! This SC never even had an opportunity to meet with the Dominant Club in his area. They wanted nothing to do with them. They were considered a street crew with hardly anybody even riding a motorcycle. Quite frankly, they were laughed at and called the ORPHANS of the Motorcycle world. Next on this Morons 25 year crusade of self proclaimed Biker Brotherhood... James, aka Jimmy, aka Top Fool, was lucky enough to fall into a position within the Black Pistons MC via a LOOPHOLE that stated, nobody needed to Probate/Prospect as they wanted numbers period. 15-16 months went by and Jimmy was able to now Prospect for the very club he is now an honorable spokesperson for.

The Outlaws MC or AOA. But wait there is more!!! “Top Fool” as the Outlaws Chapter in his area named him, got the chance of his lifetime! He was asked to Prospect for the Club he always dreamt of being in, the AOA...Oops he couldn’t hang with the REAL biker world so he washed out and QUIT prospecting within 3 months. Now Jimmy speaks for more than just that particular Club these days. After James failed at being a Prospect, about 4 years later he showed up at the OL Club House wanting to start his own Club! Go figure...just like the rest of the failures, he wanted a title so BAD he just had to start his own shit show! That shit show was to be called Merita or Sons Of Merita I believe.

Hey why work for something earned anyways? After all that’s what being an Internet/Social Media Biker is all about! Big talking with no proof of anything they spew! Last time I checked if a person was a known snitch or rat, there was paperwork to prove those claims! Not with guys like Jimmy though. They don’t have to show their proof or sources because as he himself said, “ I am a journalist with proper credentials, I don’t and won’t ever give up my sources”. Well Top Fool that isn’t how life in the real Biker World works. Oh but you wouldn’t know that, because you’re just another Social Media whore that makes a living off of The Real Clubs names via shit starting and throwing our names around.

This guy and other’s like him have done quite well pretending to be something they’ve NEVER BEEN! Ahhhhhh thank you Social Media for allowing the Jimmy’s of the world to be the bad ass bikers they couldn’t be in real life! This guy literally is speaking for the Cossacks 1%er MC (not to be confused with the Ugly Man Cossacks MC), The Iron Order MC, as well as the AOA! Shocking I know right? What has the world come to? This is what the internet has done to the lifestyle.

Men no longer meet face to face to “talk” etc...hell, bikers don’t even have to get on a bike anymore! Sad!!! People like Jimmy are a HUGE problem in the Biker world. By living and making a living off of CLUB BUSINESS AND CLUB NAMES! Yet guys like him DO NOT CONTRIBUTE ONE CENT TO SUPPORTING THE VERY CLUBS THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OF!!! Jimmy is NO BETTER than the KNOCK OFF T-SHIRT and FAKE PATCH SELLERS from Melasia!!!!

He makes money by telling Club business to other NON CLUB MEMBERS of the Clubs he speaks about! If you don’t see a problem with this shit, than perhaps you also need to learn what being a REAL BIKER IS ABOUT! No REAL CLUB MEMBERS are going to do an interview with that fucking guy to talk about real shit! Club business is Club business! Everybody thinks it’s ok to disrespect real Club Members and Real Bikers because of guys like the Jimmy’s on social media! Guys like Jimmy have only a few reasons to do what he does. He does it for his own gain, or he is just a shit starter.

USA - Biker´s Better School/MC & Gjengkriminalitet


  1. I can assure anyone reading this article, that it is True. Time to Lick The Spoon Hollywood.

  2. Anonymous3/05/2019

    What a POS This PETE JAMES IS. Trying to use club property from former club to get a deal with undercover cop?

  3. Hey Fat Boy. At least you could've dreamed something better than this up. Shit. At least have some creativity. Hows Fingers doing you rat? Yes Anonymous you're right. He's a POS. Using Club property to try and secure a deal with an undercover cop? You're weak there peter. Selling out your former club for some movie rights lol. Worse yet. To a cop who was undercover and tried to take the club down.

  4. Don't believe this article one bit. You can tell it was written by someone who has a beef with Hollywood. I'm from the Midwest and everyone knows this Pete is a Rat and is out bad for being a rat. I heard the interview Insane Throttle put up from his Former club. Not to mention the interview with the confederation of clubs. I'm a regular with this blog and I'm disappointed to see it would publish anything from this pete james. Here is link about this pete james guy .

    1. Anonymous3/05/2019

      Well right there in Jimmy "The Retards" own article you can see how he is a lying piece of shit when he wrote: "Unless of course you contact one of the support clubs to hand back club property to where it belongs. If this is done, then you will never hear from Insane Throttle again." WELL then... the last I knew AOA got their colors back from Big Pete. Regardless that whole thing is between AOA and Big Pete and not anyone else (since when has club business been allowed to be talked about week after week with no repercussions like Jimmy "The Retard" does?) yet the Jimmy "The Retard" continues to this day, YEARS afterward to spout shit from his cock holster week after week about Big Pete and worse... now members of BBS who have nor ever had anything whatsoever to do with Big Pete's past. For what he has shown the members in that group he has been stand-up. He has never asked for anything in anyway in the way of money or whatnot and he doesn't even promote his own book, not even once that I ever seen. Even if he did though... that would be none of anyone's business outside of that CLOSED FB group and that is the whole kicker here... Jimmy "The Retard" acts as if a Facebook group, closed off to the public, is some type of threat to God only knows what. It's a complete joke and anyone who listens or falls for that shit is a moron as well as the ONLY reason that he does it is because it makes Jimmy "The Retard" money. If you look to his videos on youtube you will quickly see that his views are low UNTIL he runs his toothless mouth about Big Pete or BBS. The only one these days that is trying to make money off of a clubs name is Jimmy "The Retard" as he is apparently AOA's spokesman. I always had respect for AOA but to allow Jimmy "The Retard" to continue his high school drama in order to make money off of the AOAs name by associating himself as one of them and/or the BPMC and acting as if he personally has a dog in that fight, which isn't even a fight rather just club bsns that is over 3 years old now is just shocking to say the least. If I were in either of those MC's I'd have muzzled that yipey mutt a long time ago as those clubs don't need the likes of him trying to represent them. Him of all people... Jimmy "The Retard" lol.
      Then Jimmy "The Retard" went and conned someone in BBS to be his personal snitch/rat by going in and taking screen shots of conversations in the group to send to him so he could further talk shit and post those screen shots in his videos. Then he acts as if these are his "sources" and not just his snitch/rat and acts as if this is biker worthy news? Since when is a CLOSED FACEBOOK GROUP Biker news? Good God.. and this is who some of you are cheering on? LOL.. and some others ask "since when do bikers need a school"? Well.. that there is one perfect example as bikers do not act like gossiping women! Bikers do not troll on the internet like some commie gook... bikers do not play dress up like a Mexican gangster in San Quentin lol.... BIKERS do not use club names or past associations to try and gain respect NOW... as clubs used to be stronger and would never allow that shit to happen. I am still shocked that AOA and BPMC allows this... then again they may have no idea that it is even happening. If so I'd imagine that they would protect their good name from being used or their old club business from being used by the likes of Jimmy "The Retard"

    2. You must be one of the Biker Students?

    3. Anonymous3/06/2019

      lmao... no "students" ...okay let me explain...."better school" old school biker + New school biker = Better school.
      The mixing of the old ways with the new so the old ways aren't forgotten. That's all. Not some university for motorcycle riders lol.

  5. This is Big Pete James who did this article. The one Hollywood has been exposing. You're blog actually posted an article from that rat? This is below this site. @ Unknown I seen the article that was published this morning on this guy Pete. He is a real piece of work. Who the hell tries to use club property to get a deal for a documentary on a shit book? From an undercover pig no less. This is laughable. Didn't know you had to go to a school to be a biker. Wonder if they take financial aid to get in?

  6. Diesel 1%er3/05/2019

    What a joke~ This article is from a Bikers School? When in the hell did bikers need a biker school? @Mike you're right. Anyone can see this is a fairy tale written by that fat rat. Hollywood rocks. Screw this loser

  7. Anonymous3/05/2019

    Bikers School? WTF is that lol. How the hell if this group exists does someone who is a rat out bad moron running it? As far as this article. I call bullshit. Hollywood is open about his support for the outlaws club. I watch his program all the time and he doesn't hide it. He is still fair in his reporting to other clubs regardless of his support for one club or another.

  8. Fat Pete lmao. This article from another George Christie trying to make money off a club he was thrown out of in disgraced. I just seen an article posted by Insane Throttle of an UnderCover Cop detailing how Fat ass was trying to use club property to get into a deal or some shit. Why would this site even put up this crap from that guy?

  9. Anonymous3/05/2019

    Other than a bread company I never heard of what a "Merita" is so I went and googled it. This is from "the Urban Dictionary" and after seeing some other photos of this Jimmy "The Retard" he looks like the type of wannabe punk where this "Urban Dictionary" would be his go-to source for information. I think the best photo that I've seen of him was him wearing a white on red bandana over his forehead (folded "Rambo" style) while wearing a prison issued type of blue button up shirt with only the top two buttons buttoned, like the Mexicans do lmao.
    Anyway here is that copy/paste from the internet site "Urban Dictionary" of "Merita", the name you said he wanted to name his MC after lol:
    amazing, unique, big boobs, likes to act ghetto when high

  10. @Anonymous He was doing an interview. Question is. Why the hell is Pete James going trying to make a deal with someone who was an undercover agent trying to take his old club down? Why is he offering club property to a known cop?

  11. I've never seen so much bs in an article. Funny how Hollywood backs his stuff up with facts. Then you have a out bad POS who tries to pawn club property off on an undercover cop who tried busting his club trying to slander hollywood for calling him out. My question is. Who really believes this bs article? Can't believe this blog even took the time to print this crap. Use to like it.

  12. The internet is not going away any time soon... So this is the modern world that we live in. There is no way around it.
    Years ago the "belief systems" about motorcycle club life where established...Now that everyone knows (or think they know) how clubs work internally they have an opinion and can now share their opinion publicly in complete safety...It was never like that before...

  13. I seen his show on this Big Pete last night. How disgusting this Pete is. He is a coward and fake. This so called article by this school or whatever is a joke. I heard two people give their accounts of this pete guy. Both I believe. The last one gave his account of this pete guy working with a chicago cop to protect him from his former club. Anyone buying into this pete guy is in fantasy land. I do find it funny all these anonymous people writing stuff against this hollywood cant even give names. Just like the coward they follow. I would like to see this pete go on this hollywoods show. He would get tore up by hollywood. Ill Ive seen is facts from Hollywood. This pete guy has nothing. He is someone who is just a con artist like that cop said in the interview.

    1. Anonymous3/06/2019

      B.E. Parsons...that is who I am that responded to "mike" I didn't want to have to make an acct for what I thought was going to be one post. Nobody is hiding. You have the right to think whatever you want. I personally don't give a shit about Petes past as its a FB group... that's all. Not a MC... not even a RC or a SC! Just a facebook group... and that is the funniest thing that "biker news" is to attack a facebook group because of one member? lol... not the type of "biker news" I would want to follow that is for sure.

  14. Gary S3/08/2019

    B.E Parsons. That's the problem with you freaking people. You will latch onto anyones tit if they give you attention. Pete is a straight up rat. Yeah, Im in that group just to watch all the crap that goes on for comedy value. How much you want to bet Pete comes up with an excuse why he can't come to the Freedom Run with everyone? Everyone seen his true colors when that cop talked about him trying to pawn club colors for a deal. Guys pure trash and your sitting there jerking him off. Does it make you feel like you're a somebody? No, makes you look like a total FOOL!!!! Just like the rest of you wannabes in that group. Comedy show is all it is

  15. @Gary. You're right. BBS is a joke. I just found out that David Mugsy Clewell on that group got kicked to the curb for being a sexual deviant from his old club. These are the type of people the Rat associates himself with. I left that joke of a group. At first I was in it because the idea sounded good. Then I listened to this Hollywoods show with that cop and then a podcast from a dragon or dragons lair today. After hearing all this stuff I couldn't believe anyone was left. Especially club guys. Guess it doesn't say much about them sucking up to a rat like this guy. LOL B.E Parsons. You fit in with them all. What a idiot you are.

  16. Marcus3/08/2019

    I'm from the Chicago area and retired police officer gang task force unit. I ride with a LEO club . This article is complete bullshit. Those who never heard of the Predadores must live on a different planet. Those guys were in league with the Mexican Mafia out of California and Latin gangs in the Chicago area. Mostly out of a place called Stone Park Illinois. They did have a little motorcycle riders offshoot but it was mostly a front for the gang activities they were involved in. That is the only thing the guy who wrote this article got right. In the 90's they were heavily connected to a guy called Lord Gino. The guy pictured in this article was called "la muerte viene " on the streets. These people were heavily involved in drug trafficking, Prostitution and extortion. These people were NO GOOD. They were the precursor of MS-13 of today. They were not about brotherhood or motorcycles. They were about creating fear and money. They only used a so called motorcycle club to advance that goal.

  17. I heard the interview this guy did on his show. I agree with the officer when he said "Pete wasn't even on our radar." He was not a big figure in Chicago. I worked the 25th district and this guy Pete wasn't even a blip on our radar. Yeah, we heard of him but never anything serious like he claims. This Piece of Shit pictured above though was a waste to the community. He was into prostitution, loansharking and gambling. I actually cannot believe people watch this guy. He is no good for the legitimate motorcycling community. He claims to be a independent biker. I call bullshit! He still has his ties to those animals. Real bikers, even 1%ers, wouldn't have ties to those kinds of people or him. He's nothing but trouble and isn't a real biker. Just a street thug looking to make money.

  18. Some biker school lol. They have some broad Heidi Karsh running her mouth like shes a someone in that group. But hey, that's how they roll. She probably does have more balls than the rat running their school lol. Here's a new name for Brutus. How about Beefcake? Bet he loves dropping his pants for the cops. He might as well of when he tried giving them cops his patches. Thanks Hollywood for exposing this rat for what he is. Keep killing it.

  19. Gary S3/11/2019

    Guess the members of the biker school supports Rats and Out Bad scum like Pete James. Crap, they don't even hide their love for LEO in that group.

    This coming from someone who supports 81. Wonder what they think of her statement and support for Pete James

    Heidi Karsh Freedom! That’s what the biker lifestyle is about! Those of us not in clubs and planning to ever be in one seriously do not give a rat’s ass who is doing what, why, or where they’re doing it. The average person in these groups doesn’t even understand what out bad or good even means! So fuck the dumb shit and stay the course. Real folks are on pages like these to meet new people with like interests. To learn a thing or two about all the aspects of what actually pertains to each one of as an individual. We don’t really care about all the other politics because it doesn’t involve us. This is a good group and I don’t care if there’s an LEO in it.

  20. I seen the interview he did on this Pete.I'm just surprised a fellow law enforcement officer retired or not would give this scumbag an interview. Let me take a minute to correct this article. It's obvious this Pete wrote it. Yes I'm a Law Enforcement Officer so take it whichever way you like.

    1. The author calls the Predadores a social club? Don't know what planet this guy is on but the Predadores (what they were called back then) were responsible for numerous gangland murders, drug trafficking, extortion of local businesses(especially adult related) and the list goes on. These people are nothing more than animals.
    2. Most of the organization is based out of the Prison System. Both State and Federal. Mostly a Latino organization with ties to numerous Latino syndicates. Both inside the system and on the outside.
    3. This Piece of shit was one of the biggest prostitution operators in the Midwest.
    I'm shocked this Pete guy is still walking around talking like he is. It's not his former club he would have to worry about. Its these people. Social Club? Don't think I would describe these people in that context.

  21. Dave813/17/2019

    Did time in Pelican Bay and some of these people were in there. They are no joke but THEY ARE NOT BIKERS. They went by Predadores in the 90's and go by S.O.M on the streets now. This guy isn't fooling anyone. He's not a biker. You can't get out of that organization so don't let him fool you with his biker talk.

  22. Yeah...I had my thoughts about old " Hollywood". My thoughts were right.

  23. Relation to Mike Redden? Homz can't take care of his own straight to cops . Bad deal. Sure he squeals names like a songbird.


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