Hells Angels sentenced for murder in Berlin

Hells Angels in 2009 (picture alliance/dpa)A German court has sentenced the leader of Hells Angels Berlin charter to life in prison over an apparent revenge killing. Under his orders, a group of bikers stormed a local bookmaker's shop to kill one of his rivals.

Eight members of Hells Angels' Berlin charter, including the group's leader Kadir P., were sentenced to life in prison by a Berlin court, German officials announced on Tuesday.

The charter leader was found guilty of putting a kill contract against Tahrir Ö, with whom he was in a long-running conflict. In early 2014, a group of 13 Hells Angels stormed a Berlin bookmaker's shop, with one of them opening fire and hitting Tahrir Ö. with six bullets.

The 26-year-old died at the scene.
Some of the participants wore masks, surveillance video footage from the building showed.
Biggest ever biker-related trial
The Berlin court sentenced the 35-year-old Kadir P. to life in prison for incitement to murder, and seven other members of the group received the same sentence for taking part in the attack. One other attacker was handed a shortened prison sentence of 12 years, after he cooperated with investigators.
Judge Thomas Gross described Kadir P. as "anti-social" and aggressive.
"Nothing would happen without him," he said.

Prosecutors also claimed one other defendant was involved in the murder, but failed to prove the link.
He was sentenced for possessing an illegal weapon to one year and ten months in prison. Tuesday's sentence brings an end to the biggest-ever trial involving biker gangs in Germany's history.

Germany - BNN.
