Keyser Soze in DUBAI

DUBAI. A 2nd rate banking center in a strange economic and social backwater of the world. A sort of important place, but not really. It’s den of Sin and Vice…for those with money…those without the influence cash can buy, can end up in jail for swearing in public or locked up for life for possessing tiny amounts of drugs. Just the kind of place that low lifes like, and It was May 4, 2016, a Turkish trafficker named Cetin Koc was sitting in a car in one of Dubai’s most luxurious neighbourhoods, beside some of the tallest highrises in the world, when two hit men ran up- bang bang. The Iranian-born Turkish gangster was hit seven times in the head and twice more in his chest and hand by guns equipped with silencers. Koç died instantly, his car engine still running.
The hit men — alleged to be Vancouver area natives named Harpreet Singh Majhu and Orosman Garcia-Arevalo — raced to the airport in a rented vehicle, apparently getting into a fender bender en route. They were on a plane back to Canada before Dubai police had even identified them as suspects.
But they weren’t out of the woods. Within days, authorities in the United Arab Emirates provided the RCMP with the names of the young gang-involved men, identifying them as suspected killers.
